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How specific surface of cement tester cylinder leak check and test material layer for volume determination

How specific surface of cement tester cylinder leak check and test material layer for volume determination ?
Author: Anonymous June 9, 2009 [ Font : Default zoom ] I want to comment
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Tags : cylinder test material layer volume determination of specific surface of cement analyzer,
A: About as follows:
A ) the instrument leak check , follow these steps :
appropriate choice of glue Pusey , with plastic Pi Sese tight cylinder port .
pumping , so that the liquid level rise , until the liquid level rises at A barometer , closing piston .
The level drops situations, such as the liquid level within five minutes did not decrease , then the instrument does not leak , you should find out the cause of leaks and sealed .
2 ) Determination of the cylindrical specimen layer volume as follows:
Test Preparation before . Ready two with the same cylinder diameter neutral density and amount of mercury qualitative filter paper .
In the cylinder placed two perforated filter plate , and the cylinder is filled with mercury, the mercury surface with a thin glass plate is flush with the cylinder port .
pour mercury weighed to the nearest 0.05 g , measured repeated several times , so that the value unchanged so far.
Remove a filter from the cylinder , the cylinder specimen by adding an appropriate amount , and then remove the cover on top of a filter paper with pokers compacted specimen layer , the pressure to the required thickness of the support ring and the cylinder side was in contact , then flattened cylinder filled with mercury , mercury poured equally weighed , measured repeated several times , until constant weight until the mercury .
calculation . Cylinder test material layer volume V is calculated as follows :
Where : P1- filled cylinder when pressed specimen mercury quality, g ;
      P2- loaded specimen , the full cylinder mercury quality, g ;
     - The density of mercury at the test temperature , g / cm 3 ;